Monday, May 25, 2020

The Bombing Of The United States - 1463 Words

September 11th, 2001, the United States of America was attacked on its soil when alleged Al-Qaeda members hijacked four passenger planes, Boeing 757s. Two planes flew into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one plane flew into the Pentagon, and the remaining plane was possibly targeting the White House or the Capitol but was unsuccessful. People all over America felt an utter shock and disbelief after this tragic event as people demanded answers. After the terrorist attacks, a portion of Americans started to believe in conspiracies proving the government was behind it all. Americans believe that the U.S. government knew in advance of the terrorist attacks on September 11th due to the time between the attacks†¦show more content†¦The FBI then traced down the hijackers to discover and confirm that they had been living in the United States for several months leading up to the attacks on September 11, 2001. The luggage of the discovered hijackerâ⠂¬â„¢s leader, Mohammed Atta, was never loaded on Flight 11 and contained specific handwritten instructions that told him and his men to be well dressed for the mission and to recite religious verses from the Koran to bring courage as they completed the mission. If they followed these instructions, they would receive heavenly rewards afterwards. The evidence discovered by the FBI supports that Al-Qaeda was targeting the United States and was behind the attacks as they prepared for months. Al-Qaeda strived to make not only the United States suffer, but the nation as a whole. As the government blamed Al-Qaeda for the events on September 11th, conspiracies disagreed and said that the Bush administration was behind it all due to the procrastination of a commission led by Bush to investigate the events. Fourteen months after the attacks on September 11th, Bush’s creation of the special commission was no longer delayed. In November of 2002, Bush named Henry Kissinger as the chairma n of this commission. Problems emerged when Kissinger agreed to identify his foreign clients from the United States foreign policy but then unexpectedly resigned from the commission. Bush s administration received fire about the delay of the commission and the holding of

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